Manager’s guide to sustainable performance management: remote work edition

Stella Soon
Stella Soon
July 13, 2020

Remote working has become the new normal. This means managers need to adapt their performance management style to digital. Online performance reviews and more video calls will become more common.

Here are some tips from Glints’ Talenthub business lead Billy Jantriko on how to manage performance in a remote setting.

What is performance management?

Performance management is an ongoing communication process between a supervisor and an employee to help companies achieve their business goals.

With remote working, managers need to intentionally schedule check-ins with their staff to monitor their performance. Micromanaging is nearly impossible.

So give employees freedom to take charge of their work. Measure performance based on results rather than progress only.

Daily/weekly guidelines

Billy recommended managers schedule regular check-ins with their staff. This prevents miscommunication, lets you check in on their progress and enhances transparency and trust

Here’s what he suggested:

  • Daily standups: short morning/ evening meetings to recap what happened that day or the previous day
  • Check-in on work progress and outcomes through Slack bots or Trello 
  • Weekly check-ins: to check progress of employees’ projects
  • Keep a written record of employees’ progress, notes, and important points. This is also useful for performance reviews.

Monthly systems

On a monthly basis, here’s what Billy suggested: 

  • Performance appraisals: monthly/quarterly reviews of employees’ tasks and performance. Managers can track employees’ monthly progress to see their development and give honest feedback. These individualized sessions make employees feel valued and keeps them motivated.
  • 360 degree feedback: employees receive confidential, anonymous feedback from their managers, peers, and direct reports
  • Personal development plans: employees map out their future goals and areas for improvement
  • Reward & recognition programmes: acknowledge employees for accomplishments based on a transparent rating system. These rewards can be salary raises or promotions.  

Performance management outside of work 

Employees’ social engagement with other colleagues also affects their performance.

Replicating social interaction remotely may be difficult. But employers can try these strategies. 

  • Build a working hub: social isolation can increase stress. If possible, arrange for remote employees to work together in a coworking space. This builds a sense of community.
  • Social activities: have Zoom workout sessions and online karaoke/game sessions for fun!
  • Enrichment activities: employees can take turns to share about their lives, take online classes together, etc

All these tips were from Glints’ 24 April 2020 webinar, ‘Manager’s Guide on Remote Working: Sustainable Performance Management’

Billy also shared more about remote working during the webinar. He talked about common mistakes employers make while managing remote teams and how to correct them. Want to find out more? Download his full slide deck here. 

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